在新西兰的纳尔逊,一辆民用汽车击中一辆警车,造成两名警官和一名平民重伤。 In Nelson, New Zealand, a civilian car hit a police vehicle, critically injuring two officers and one civilian.
在新西兰纳尔逊(Nelson)星期三清晨发生的一起令人震惊的事件中,一辆民用汽车在Buxton Square Carpark撞上了一辆警车,造成两名警察重伤,一名公众严重受伤。 In a shocking incident early Wednesday morning in Nelson, New Zealand, a civilian vehicle struck a police car at Buxton Square Carpark, critically injuring two officers and seriously hurting one member of the public. 司机被逮捕,将面临指控。 The driver was arrested and will face charges. 所有受伤者都被送往Nelson医院。 All injured parties were taken to Nelson Hospital. 该地区仍被封锁,以便进行调查。 The area remains cordoned off for investigation.