马萨诸塞州以全州 14 次第一天远足拉开 2025 年的序幕。 Massachusetts kicks off 2025 with 14 First Day Hikes across the state.
马萨诸塞州30年以上的传统 " 头一天希克斯 " 开始在2025年开工,1月1日全州有14次徒步旅行。 First Day Hikes, a 30+ year tradition in Massachusetts, kicks off 2025 with 14 hikes across the state on January 1. 该活动由保护和娱乐部组织,鼓励居民通过远足迎接新的一年。 Organized by the Department of Conservation and Recreation, the event encourages residents to ring in the new year with a hike. 从波士顿到科德角,每次旅行的长度和地点各异。 Each hike varies in length and location, from Boston to Cape Cod. 今年,通过普及方案提供无障碍的远足选择,与会者将获得纪念帽和徽章。 This year, an accessible hike option is available through the Universal Access Program, and participants will receive a commemorative hat and pin. 建议徒步旅行者在日落前穿上温暖的衣服, Hikers are advised to dress warmly and leave trails before sunset.