Maryborough Highland群聚吸引了创纪录的人群,包括高地事件和15 000美元的赛跑。 Maryborough Highland Gathering attracts record crowd with highland events and $15,000 race.
新年节,162岁的Maryborough高地聚会吸引了4 000多人来到王子公园。 The 162-year-old Maryborough Highland Gathering drew over 4,000 people to Princes Park on New Year's Day. 活动内容包括高地舞蹈、游戏、强人和强人比赛和田径比赛,包括马克斯·马丁纪念Maryborough礼品赛15,000美元。 The event featured highland dancing, games, strongman and strongwoman contests, and athletics, including the $15,000 Max Martin Memorial Maryborough Gift race. 马里伯勒高地协会主席安德鲁雷报告说,运动员人数创纪录,奖金对男女均等,并且是维多利亚州第二高的奖金,仅次于斯塔威尔礼物. Maryborough Highland Society president Andrew Rae reported a record number of athletes, crediting equal prize money for men and women and the event's second-highest prize money in Victoria behind the Stawell Gift.