一名男子在北卡罗来纳州I -40换轮胎时被一辆SUV击中后死亡。 A man died after being hit by an SUV while changing a flat tire on I-40 in North Carolina.
在北卡罗来纳州奥兰治县的40号州际公路上,有人在换轮胎时被一辆SUV击中后于星期二上午死亡。 A person died on Tuesday morning after being hit by an SUV while changing a flat tire on Interstate 40 in Orange County, North Carolina. 事件发生在凌晨4时30分左右,受害人的车辆部分在东行道上。 The incident occurred around 4:30 a.m., with the victim's vehicle partially in the eastbound lane. SUV司机没有受伤,仍留在现场。 The SUV driver was not injured and remained at the scene. 州公路巡逻队正在调查坠机事件 东向I -40被关闭了大约两个小时 State Highway Patrol is investigating the crash, and eastbound I-40 was closed for about two hours.