马耳他总理总理保证在面临劳动挑战的医疗保健和住房方面实现统一和改善。 Maltese PM pledges unity and improvements in healthcare, housing amid labor challenges.
马耳他总理罗伯特·阿贝拉(Robert Abela)利用新年的致辞强调团结和突出政府的成就,并承诺在不损害公民生活质量或环境的情况下应对进口劳工等挑战。 Maltese Prime Minister Robert Abela used his New Year's message to stress unity and highlight government achievements, promising to address challenges like imported labor without harming citizens' quality of life or the environment. 他还发誓改善医疗保健和住房条件。 He also vowed to improve healthcare and housing. 反对党领袖Bernard Grech呼吁提高生活质量、长期举措及可持续增长, Opposition leader Bernard Grech called for better quality of life, long-term initiatives, and sustainable growth, encouraging public input into his party's program.