Kyle Chester De Los Reyes, 23岁, 被指控在鲍德温公园谋杀他的母亲、兄弟和妹妹。 Kyle Chester De Los Reyes, 23, is charged with murdering his mother, brother, and sister in Baldwin Park.
Kyle Chester De Los Reyes, 23岁,在12月26日其家人(他的母亲44岁、兄弟16岁和姐姐8岁)在Baldwin公园被刺死后,被指控犯有三项谋杀罪。 Kyle Chester De Los Reyes, 23, was charged with three counts of murder after the stabbing deaths of his family members—his mother, 44, brother, 16, and sister, 8—in Baldwin Park on December 26. De Los Reyes因使用致命武器和实施多起谋杀而面临额外指控。 De Los Reyes is facing additional charges for using a deadly weapon and committing multiple murders. 他在没有保释的情况下被拘留,定于1月15日传讯他。 He is held without bail, with an arraignment scheduled for January 15. 他与受害人的关系的动机和全部细节仍然不清楚。 The motive and full details of his relationships to the victims remain unclear.