John Hancock宣布其资金分配额,从每股0.0825美元到0.2500美元不等。 John Hancock announces distributions for its funds, ranging from $0.0825 to $0.2500 per share.
John Hancock宣布每季度和每月分发若干基金。 John Hancock has announced quarterly and monthly distributions for several of its funds. 固定股本和收入基金(HEQ)将支付每股0.2500美元,而预付股本基金(PDT)将支付每股0.825美元,而税收优惠股本收入基金(HTD)将支付每股1.380美元。 The Hedged Equity & Income Fund (HEQ) will pay $0.2500 per share, while the Premium Dividend Fund (PDT) will pay $0.0825 per share, and the Tax-Advantaged Dividend Income Fund (HTD) will pay $0.1380 per share. 这些分配是每个基金管理下分配计划的一部分,可能包括资本回报,但不反映投资业绩。 These distributions are part of each fund's managed distribution plan and may include a return of capital, which does not reflect investment performance. 税务报告的实际数额和来源将在表格1099-DIV中详细列出。 Actual amounts and sources for tax reporting will be detailed in Form 1099-DIV.