Aaron Brown 76岁 以911报道闻名的资深新闻主播 已经去世了 Aaron Brown, 76, a veteran news anchor known for 9/11 coverage, has died.
Aaron Brown, 一位以报导911袭击事件闻名的资深电视新闻主播, 于76岁去世。 Aaron Brown, a veteran TV news anchor known for his coverage of the September 11 attacks, has died at 76. Brown开始在明尼阿波利斯的电台工作, 搬到西雅图的电视台, 然后转到ABC和CNN, 他在911袭击期间停靠在那里, 获得爱德华·穆罗奖。 Starting his career in radio in Minneapolis, Brown moved to TV in Seattle and then to ABC and CNN, where he anchored during the 9/11 attacks, earning an Edward R. Murrow Award. 在有线电视新闻网之后,他在亚利桑那州立大学教授新闻,并主持PBS的“Wide Angle”。 After CNN, he taught journalism at Arizona State University and hosted PBS' "Wide Angle." 他的死亡原因没有被披露。 His cause of death was not disclosed.