两名司机在Snohomish附近的州2号公路正面碰撞中丧生,完全封锁了道路。 Two drivers were killed in a head-on collision on State Route 2 near Snohomish, fully blocking the road.
在斯诺霍米什附近的州道2发生致命正面碰撞,造成涉案两名司机死亡,星期二上午完全堵塞了道路。 A fatal head-on collision on State Route 2 near Snohomish killed both drivers involved and fully blocked the road on Tuesday morning. 包括华盛顿州巡警在内的当局正在调查这一事件,并向司机建议避开该地区。 Authorities, including the Washington State Patrol, are investigating the incident and have advised drivers to avoid the area. 这条高速公路仍然关闭,估计没有时间重新开放。 The highway remains closed with no estimated time for reopening.