三名嫌疑人在追逐惠特比农场一辆被偷的四轮自行车后被捕。 Three suspects were arrested after a chase involving a stolen quad bike from a Whitby farm.
北约克郡和克利夫兰警方逮捕了3名嫌疑人,年龄分别为32岁、26岁和24岁。 Police in North Yorkshire and Cleveland arrested three suspects, ages 32, 26, and 24, after a chase involving a stolen Honda quad bike from a Whitby farm. 嫌犯被追踪到Eston Hills,并因涉嫌入室盗窃和盗窃被捕。 The suspects were tracked to Eston Hills and arrested on suspicion of burglary and theft. 这辆四轮自行车被收回,并将归还给车主。 The quad bike was recovered and will be returned to its owner. 中士 军士 Sgt. David Lund敦促所有者用锁和追踪器保护其车辆,并报告任何可疑活动。 David Lund urged owners to secure their vehicles with locks and trackers and report any suspicious activity.