得克萨斯DPS关闭了所有驾驶执照办公室,原因是系统故障,影响到新年的服务。 Texas DPS closes all driver license offices due to a system outage, affecting services through New Year's.
由于系统故障,得克萨斯州公共安全部(DPS)已经关闭了全州所有驾驶执照办事处,影响到星期一的业务,并延长了周二和周三新年假期的关闭期限。 The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) has shut down all driver license offices statewide due to a system outage, affecting operations for Monday and extending closures through the New Year's holiday on Tuesday and Wednesday. DPS正在努力重新安排任命时间,并对造成的任何不便表示歉意。 The DPS is working to reschedule appointments and has apologized for any inconvenience caused. 停电原因和恢复时间表尚不清楚。 The cause of the outage and the timeline for restoration are not yet clear.