Taranjeet Singh在德克萨斯州Allen的一次致命车祸中死亡,他的汽车在路上驶离一条小溪,撞上了一条小溪。 Taranjeet Singh died in a fatal crash in Allen, Texas, after his car veered off the road and into a creek.
德克萨斯州艾伦发生致命车祸 星期天清晨 Taranjeet Singh驾驶一辆道奇车 与本田CRV撞上了 A fatal crash occurred in Allen, Texas, early Sunday morning when Taranjeet Singh, driving a Dodge Charger, collided with a Honda CR-V after speeding eastbound on Bethany Drive. Singh的车停在路边 滚进了附近的小溪里 Singh's vehicle veered off the road and rolled into a nearby creek. Singh在现场死亡,而CR-V司机留在现场协助当局。 Singh died at the scene, while the CR-V driver stayed to assist authorities. 艾伦警察局正在调查这一事件 The Allen Police Department is investigating the incident.