台湾商人与学者强调中国大陆的成功与联系, Taiwanese businessmen and academics highlight success and connections in mainland China, underscoring growing ties.
台湾商人Du Chun-i认为他在湖南的纺织生意很成功, Taiwanese businessman Du Chun-i sees success in his textile business in Hunan, attributing it to mainland China's supportive policies and market size. Xiamen教授Chen Ching-Tsao在二百多年前追寻家人移居台湾后, 在福建发现了他的祖传根源。 Chen Ching-Tsao, a professor in Xiamen, found his ancestral roots in Fujian after tracing his family's migration to Taiwan over 200 years ago. 台湾投资协会执行副总裁简昌(Jane Chang)推动台湾与中国大陆之间的青年交流, 突显两地区之间日益加强的联系与共同的未来。 Jane Chang, an executive vice president at a Taiwan investment association, promotes youth exchanges between Taiwan and mainland China, highlighting the growing ties and shared future between the two regions.