从2025年开始,美国国内航班和联邦设施需要真实身份证,欧洲有新的旅行规则。 Starting 2025, U.S. requires REAL ID for domestic flights and federal facilities, with new travel rules in Europe.
2025年,美国国内航空旅行和联邦设施将需要真实身份证明,而联合王国和欧洲将实施新的旅行核准制度(ETA和ETIAS)以改善安全。 In 2025, the U.S. will require REAL ID for domestic air travel and federal facilities, while the UK and Europe will implement new travel authorization systems (ETA and ETIAS) to improve security. 交通部还规定了更明确的退款政策,并禁止座位安排的隐性收费。 The DOT has also mandated clearer refund policies and banned hidden fees for seating arrangements. 此外,自2024年9月以来,美国公民现在可以在线更新护照。 Additionally, U.S. citizens can now renew passports online since September 2024.