沙特阿拉伯以5.4亿美元买下巴基斯坦Reko Diq矿的15%股份。 Saudi Arabia buys a 15% stake in Pakistan's Reko Diq mine for $540 million.
巴基斯坦联邦内阁已批准以5.4亿美元向沙特阿拉伯出售俾路支省Reko Diq铜和金矿项目15%的股份。 Pakistan's federal cabinet has approved the sale of a 15% stake in the Reko Diq copper and gold mine project in Balochistan to Saudi Arabia for $540 million. 交易将分两个阶段进行,沙特阿拉伯为第一阶段的10%支付3.3亿美元,其余5%支付2.10亿美元。 The transaction will occur in two phases, with Saudi Arabia paying $330 million for 10% in the first phase and $210 million for the remaining 5%. 该项目由联邦和俾路支政府以及加拿大的Barrick Gold共同拥有。 The project is jointly owned by the federal and Balochistan governments and Canada's Barrick Gold. 此外,沙特阿拉伯将为俾路支省矿物开发提供1.5亿美元。 Additionally, Saudi Arabia will provide $150 million for mineral development in Balochistan.