沙捞越总理将2025年概述为基础设施和免费教育计划的关键一年。 Sarawak Premier outlines 2025 as a key year for infrastructure and free education plans.
萨拉瓦克总理安预计2025年将是马来西亚国家关键的一年,标志着第12个马来西亚计划 (12MP) 的结束. The Sarawak Premier, Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg, anticipates 2025 as a pivotal year for the Malaysian state, marking the end of the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP). 根据12MP方案,沙捞越省在诸如道路和桥梁等基础设施项目和社会经济举措方面取得了进展。 Under the 12MP, Sarawak has seen progress in infrastructure projects like roads and bridges, and socio-economic initiatives. 国家还计划审查其战后发展战略,目的是在2026年提供免费高等教育。 The state also plans to review its post-Covid development strategy and aims to offer free tertiary education in 2026. 包括一个深海港口和位于库钦的一个新国际机场在内的高效项目也正在施工中。 High-impact projects, including a deep-sea port and a new international airport in Kuching, are also in the works.