Rogers通信公司在不列颠哥伦比亚省的眼泪高速公路上安装了五个新的蜂窝塔,加强了911和5G的接入。 Rogers Communications installed five new cellular towers on British Columbia's Highway of Tears, enhancing 911 and 5G access.
Rogers通信公司在不列颠哥伦比亚省眼泪高速公路沿线启用了五个新的蜂窝塔,改进了166公里长的911和5G无线接入。 Rogers Communications has activated five new cellular towers along British Columbia's Highway of Tears, improving 911 and 5G wireless access on a 166-kilometer stretch. 该项目旨在填补从乔治王子到鲁珀特王子的720公里路线上的无线服务缺口,落实2006年眼泪高速公路专题讨论会报告提出的一项建议。 The project aims to close wireless service gaps on the 720-kilometer route from Prince George to Prince Rupert, fulfilling a recommendation from the 2006 Highway of Tears Symposium report. 活动家Mary Teegee称这些塔为“北方的生命线”, 强调改善旅行者和居民的安全和通讯。 Activist Mary Teegee hailed the towers as "lifelines for the north," emphasizing improved safety and communication for travelers and residents.