庆祝波利尼西亚文化 50 周年的 Polyfest 由于 500,000 美元的资金缺口而缩减了规模。 Polyfest, celebrating 50 years of Polynesian culture, scales back due to a $500,000 funding gap.
Polyfest 是世界上最大的庆祝奥克兰波利尼西亚文化的中学文化竞赛,由于 500,000 澳元的资金缺口,其 50 周年纪念活动将缩减。 The 50th anniversary of Polyfest, the world's largest secondary school cultural competition celebrating Polynesian culture in Auckland, will be scaled back due to a $500,000 funding shortfall. 尽管太平洋人民部承诺提供额外资金,但所需资金中只有50%得到保证。 Despite promises of additional funding from the Ministry of Pacific Peoples, only 50% of the required funds have been secured. 这项活动增加了费用,缩小了规模,但组织者继续寻求赞助和私人资助,以支持其提供的教育福利。 The event has increased fees and reduced its scale, but organizers continue to seek sponsorship and private funding to support the educational benefits it provides.