警方调查在威尔士王子绿公园发现 一名男子的非可疑死亡案 Police investigating non-suspicious death of a man found in Princes Green Park, Wales.
在威尔士Penrhyn湾的Prins Green公园发现一具男子尸体,周二清晨7: 55左右。 A man's body was found in Princes Green Park, Penrhyn Bay, Wales, early Tuesday morning around 7:55 am. 警方被叫到现场,正在调查死亡案,据信死亡案并不可疑。 Police were called to the scene and are investigating the death, which is not believed to be suspicious. 警官仍留在该地点进行进一步调查。 Officers remain at the location for further inquiries. 死者的身份还没有公布。 The identity of the deceased has not been released.