皮尔斯县警探在斯帕纳韦调查一起致命枪击案 嫌犯在那里被捕 Pierce County detectives investigating a fatal shooting in Spanaway where a suspect was arrested.
Pierce县的警探正在调查 12月31日 斯帕纳韦发生的一起致命枪击案 Detectives in Pierce County are investigating a fatal shooting that occurred on December 31st in Spanaway. 一名男子被发现死于枪伤,嫌疑人在事件发生后不久被逮捕。 A man was found dead with gunshot wounds, and the suspect was arrested shortly after the incident. 皮尔斯县警察局正在继续调查枪击案的情况,没有关于受害人与嫌疑人的动机或关系的任何进一步细节已经释放。 The Pierce County Sheriff's Department is continuing to investigate the circumstances of the shooting, and no further details about the motive or the relationship between the victim and the suspect have been released.