NIH研究发现,15岁前使用药物的青少年的大脑差异,甚至在童年也存在。 NIH study finds brain differences in teens who used substances before age 15, present even in childhood.
卫生研究所最近对近10,000名青少年进行的一项研究发现,15岁前使用药物的人与没有使用过药物的人相比有明显的大脑结构差异。 A recent NIH study on nearly 10,000 adolescents found that those who used substances before age 15 had distinct brain structure differences compared to those who did not. 其中许多差异在任何药物使用之前就存在于童年时期,这表明在晚年使用药物的风险中可能起到某种作用。 Many of these differences were present in childhood before any substance use, suggesting a potential role in the risk of substance use later in life. 这项研究查明了5个全球和39个区域脑结构差异,但还需要进一步研究,以了解其对行为的影响。 The study identified five global and 39 regional brain structural differences, though further research is needed to understand their impact on behavior.