Meta在Facebook和Instagram上介绍AI产生的字符,以增加用户参与,引起人们对错误信息的担忧。 Meta introduces AI-generated characters on Facebook and Instagram to increase user engagement, sparking concern over misinformation.
Meta正在将AI生成的字符整合到Facebook和Instagram, 以促进用户参与。 Meta is integrating AI-generated characters into Facebook and Instagram to boost user engagement. 这些AI实体将拥有具有图片和生物特征的简介,能够生成和共享内容。 These AI entities will have profiles with pictures and bios, capable of generating and sharing content. 这项举措于7月在美国启动,导致数十万个AI性格创作。 The initiative began in the U.S. in July and has resulted in hundreds of thousands of AI character creations. Meta的目标是使其平台更具参与性,尽管专家们警告潜在风险如错误信息。 Meta aims to make its platforms more engaging, though experts warn of potential risks like misinformation. 该公司计划于2024年发布文本到视频生成软件,并订有要求对AI生成的内容进行明确标签的规则。 The company plans to release text-to-video generation software in 2024 and has rules requiring clear labeling of AI-generated content.