毛里塔尼亚面临严重的心理健康危机,仅有一个20个床位的精神病病房供500万人使用。 Mauritania faces a severe mental health crisis with only one 20-bed psychiatric ward for five million people.
毛里塔尼亚是一个500万的国家,在心理健康资源严重短缺的情况下挣扎不已,全国只有一个拥有20张床位的精神病病房。 Mauritania, a country of five million, struggles with a severe shortage of mental health resources, having only one psychiatric ward with 20 beds in the entire nation. 努瓦克肖特专门医学中心经常看到病人短暂停留,因为大多数家庭首先寻求传统治疗。 The Nouakchott Centre for Specialised Medicine often sees patients for brief stays, as most families first seek traditional treatments. 当地培训方案的缺乏意味着心理保健专业人员必须到国外学习,这反映了护理选择的稀缺性。 The lack of local training programs means mental health professionals must study abroad, reflecting the broader scarcity of care options.