长久以来英国广播公司电台2 DJ Johnnie Walker, 以“70年代的声音”著称,在与肺病作斗争后于79岁死亡。 Longtime BBC Radio 2 DJ Johnnie Walker, known for "Sounds of the 70s," died at 79 after battling a lung disease.
尊尼获加 (Johnnie Walker) 是一位深受喜爱的 BBC Radio 2 DJ,以“70 年代之声”和“摇滚秀”而闻名,在与特发性肺纤维化作斗争后去世,享年 79 岁。 Johnnie Walker, a beloved BBC Radio 2 DJ known for "Sounds of the 70s" and "The Rock Show," passed away at 79 after battling idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Walker尽管生病,但一直收容到10月。 Despite his illness, Walker continued hosting until October. 他的职业生涯超过50年,从1960年代的海盗电台开始,包括在英国广播公司第一广播电台和第二广播电台的Stints。 His career spanned over 50 years, beginning with pirate radio in the 1960s and including stints at BBC Radio 1 and Radio 2. 沃克因献身于音乐和温暖的展示风格而受到赞扬。 Walker was praised for his dedication to music and warm presenting style.