GD Goenka La Petite La Rohini学校因培养创造力获得Gayatri Devi Goenka优秀奖。 GD Goenka La Petite Rohini School won the Gayatri Devi Goenka Excellence Award for fostering creativity.
GD Goenka La Petite La Rohini学校在GD Goenka Cofinction 2024获得Gayatri Devi Goenka“创造性思想家”优异奖。 GD Goenka La Petite Rohini School received the Gayatri Devi Goenka Excellence Award for 'Creative Thinkers' at the GD Goenka Confluence 2024. 该奖项突出了学校对教育创造性和创新的献身精神。 The award highlights the school's dedication to creativity and innovation in education. 这次活动有著名的发言者,如Smriti Irani。 The event featured notable speakers such as Smriti Irani. GD Goenka集团总经理Nipun Goenka赞扬学校培养了创造性的学习环境。 Nipun Goenka, Managing Director of the GD Goenka Group, praised the school for fostering a creative learning environment.