前南非教育部长Sibusiso Bengu(种族隔离后教育的关键人物)于90岁去世。 Former South African Education Minister Sibusiso Bengu, key figure in post-apartheid education, died at 90.
前南非教育部长Sibusiso Bengu教授在拆除种族隔离教育方面发挥了关键作用,90岁去世。 Former South African Education Minister Prof. Sibusiso Bengu, who played a key role in dismantling apartheid education, passed away at 90. 本古1994年至1999年在纳尔逊·曼德拉领导下担任教育部长,后来又担任驻德国大使,于1969年还是一名教育工作者,并创建了Dlangezwa高中。 Bengu, who served as Minister of Education from 1994 to 1999 under Nelson Mandela and later as Ambassador to Germany, was also an educator and founded Dlangezwa High School in 1969. 他对改变南非教育制度的贡献得到了广泛赞扬。 His contributions to transforming South Africa's education system have been widely praised.