前曼彻斯特联赛明星Wayne Rooney 离开普利茅斯阿盖尔 过了七个月 Former Manchester United star Wayne Rooney leaves Plymouth Argyle after a winless seven months.
前曼联球星韦恩·鲁尼在经历了7个月的糟糕任期后,已经离开了普利茅斯阿盖尔主教练的职务。 Former Manchester United star Wayne Rooney has left his role as head coach of Plymouth Argyle after a poor seven-month tenure. 这家在英冠积分榜上挣扎的俱乐部同意与鲁尼分道扬镳,鲁尼在 23 场比赛中只取得了 4 场胜利。 The club, struggling at the bottom of the Championship table, agreed to part ways with Rooney, who secured just four wins in 23 matches. 助理教练Mike Phelan和第一队教练Simon爱尔兰也离开。 Assistant coach Mike Phelan and first-team coach Simon Ireland also departed. Kevin Nancekivell和俱乐部队长Joe Edwards 将在即将到来的比赛中管理球队。 Kevin Nancekivell and club captain Joe Edwards will manage the team in upcoming games. 鲁尼表示感激,并说普利茅斯·阿盖尔将永远在他心中占有特殊位置。 Rooney expressed gratitude and said Plymouth Argyle will always hold a special place in his heart.