一个30英尺长的座头鲸在纽约长滩冲上岸,自2017年以来鲸鱼死亡人数不断增加。 A 30-foot humpback whale washed ashore in Long Beach, NY, adding to a growing number of whale deaths since 2017.
12 月 30 日,一头长约 30 英尺的幼年座头鲸在纽约长滩的罗斯福海滩被冲上岸。 A juvenile humpback whale, about 30 feet long, washed ashore on Roosevelt Beach in Long Beach, New York, on December 30. 这是在附近最近发现一头已死亡的小须鲸之后。 This follows the recent discovery of a deceased minke whale nearby. 自2017年以来, 东海岸鲸鱼死亡增加, 被归类为“非正常死亡事件 ” 。 Since 2017, there has been an increase in whale deaths along the East Coast, classified as an "unusual mortality event." 包括大西洋海洋养护协会和诺阿渔业局在内的当局正在调查死亡原因,并计划在埋葬鲸鱼之前进行死因检查。 Authorities, including the Atlantic Marine Conservation Society and NOAA Fisheries, are investigating the cause of death and plan to conduct a necropsy before burying the whale.