佛罗伦萨,一个从汉普郡失踪的20岁孩子 在社区搜索后被发现安全 Florence, a 20-year-old missing from Hampshire, has been found safe after a community search.
雅芳和萨默塞特警方正在寻找 20 岁的弗洛伦斯,她最后一次露面是在 12 月 30 日上午 9 点左右在汉普郡。 Avon and Somerset Police are searching for 20-year-old Florence, last seen in Hampshire on Dec 30 around 9am. 她可能已经前往Minehead或沿着沿海路径向林顿,伴随着一个黑白边境犬. She may have traveled to Minehead or along a coastal path towards Lynton, accompanied by a black and white border collie. 佛罗伦萨被描述为5尺6寸 长长金发 穿着棕色大衣 蓝帽子 步行靴 背着背包 Florence is described as 5'6", with long blonde hair, wearing a brown coat, blue hat, walking boots, and carrying a rucksack. 警方要求任何知情人士拨打999电话,并引用5224414039号电话。 The police urge anyone with information to call 999 and quote reference number 5224414039. 佛罗伦萨后来安全安然无恙 警方也感谢社区的支持 Florence has since been found safe and well, with police thanking the community for their support.