一棵坠落的树堵住了门罗路和夏洛特的输电线, 原因是暴风雨严重。 A fallen tree blocked Monroe Road and downed power lines in Charlotte due to severe storms.
在夏洛特东南部的蒙罗路上,一棵大树倒塌,堵塞了所有交通通道,并在严重的周末风暴之后拉下电力线。 A large tree fell on Monroe Road in southeast Charlotte, blocking all lanes of traffic and bringing down power lines after severe weekend storms. 当局在现场, 但不清楚道路还要关闭多久。 Authorities are on the scene, but it's unclear how long the road will remain closed. 事件持续发生,有关于wsoctv.com的最新资料。 The incident is ongoing, with updates available on wsoctv.com.