达拉斯Love机场将搭乘小卡车搬到离终点站更近的地方,以减少乘客步行时间。 Dallas Love Field Airport relocates rideshare pickup closer to terminal to reduce passenger walk time.
从2025年1月3日起, 达拉斯Love机场将搭载小卡车区 移到终点站附近, 以减少乘客步行时间。 Dallas Love Field Airport is moving the rideshare pickup area closer to the terminal starting January 3, 2025, to reduce passenger walk time. 新的地点在服务员大厅和停车场C附近,将把步行距离从10分钟缩短到6分钟左右。 The new location, near the valet pavilion and Garage C, will cut the walk from about 10 minutes to around 6 minutes. 这一变化是在旅行者对停车场前一个小车点提出投诉之后发生的,该小车点旨在缓解路边堵塞现象。 This change follows complaints from travelers about the previous pickup spot in a parking garage, which was intended to ease curbside congestion.