一位首席部长计划成立一个大学研究所,在美国中心的帮助下研究当地文化。 A Chief Minister plans a university institute to study local cultures with a US center's help.
阿鲁纳查尔邦首席部长Pema Khandu计划同设在美国的国际文化研究中心(文化中心)合作,建立一个大学一级的研究所,以促进和研究该国的土著文化、信仰和语言。 The Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, Pema Khandu, plans to establish a university-level institute to promote and research the state's indigenous cultures, faiths, and languages in partnership with the US-based International Centre for Cultural Studies (ICCS). 这是继ICCS的RIWatch中心的成功之后,该中心以Idu Mishmi文化为重点。 This follows the success of the ICCS's RIWATCH center, which focuses on the Idu Mishmi culture. 该倡议旨在在全球范围保存和突出该区域的丰富传统。 The initiative aims to preserve and highlight the region's rich traditions on a global scale.