Bollywood明星Kareena Kapoor Khan分享家庭照片, 并反思她2024年底的电影角色。 Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor Khan shared family photos and reflected on her film roles as 2024 ends.
宝莱坞女演员卡琳娜·卡普尔·汗 (Kareena Kapoor Khan) 在 Instagram 上发布了一系列自拍照,展示了她的风格和俏皮的一面,标志着 2024 年的结束。 Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan marked the end of 2024 by posting a series of selfies on Instagram, showcasing her style and playful side. 她还分享了她的儿子 Taimur 和 Jeh 享受一天滑雪和圣诞节庆祝活动的照片。 She also shared photos of her sons Taimur and Jeh enjoying a day of skiing and their Christmas celebrations. Kareena反思了她的电影项目, 包括《白金汉人谋杀》、《再次辛汉姆》中的角色, 以及她即将推出的电影《达伊拉》中的角色。 Kareena reflected on her film projects, including roles in "The Buckingham Murders," "Singham Again," and her upcoming film "Daayra."