比利时跑者完成每天马拉松的一年,为乳腺癌研究筹集了60 000欧元。 Belgian runner completes year of daily marathons, raising €60,000 for breast cancer research.
比利时赛跑者Hilde Dosogne完成了一年的每日马拉松比赛,共计超过15,444公里,并筹集了60,000欧元用于乳腺癌研究。 Belgian runner Hilde Dosogne has completed a year of daily marathons, totaling over 15,444 kilometers, and raised €60,000 for breast cancer research. 她的功绩如果得到核实,将为妇女制作一个新的吉尼斯世界纪录,目前由澳大利亚Erchana Murray-Bartlett主持,为期150天。 Her feat, if verified, will set a new Guinness World Record for women, currently held for 150 days by Australian Erchana Murray-Bartlett. Dosogne面临诸多挑战,包括疾病、受伤和恶劣天气,但强调心理方面是最艰难的。 Dosogne faced numerous challenges including illness, injury, and harsh weather, but emphasized the mental aspect was the toughest. 男性记录为366天,由巴西雨果·法利亚斯持有。 The male record is 366 days, held by Brazilian Hugo Farias.