阿塞拜疆官员参观援助残疾人和弱势群体的中心,参加受益人音乐会。 Azerbaijani officials visit center aiding disabled, vulnerable groups, attend beneficiary concert.
Leyla Alyya和Arzu Alyya访问了阿塞拜疆巴库科技部中心,该中心通过创造性发展和社会融合,为残疾人和其他弱势群体提供支助。 Leyla Aliyeva and Arzu Aliyeva visited the DOST Center in Baku, Azerbaijan, which supports people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups through creative development and social integration. 三年前成立的该中心为600多人提供服务,举办了100多次活动。 Established three years ago, the center has served over 600 individuals and held more than 100 events. 在访问期间,官员们审查了培训过程和创造性作品,并出席了一场音乐会,介绍中心受益者和培训员的表演。 During their visit, the officials reviewed training processes and creative works and attended a concert featuring performances by the center's beneficiaries and trainers.