匿名捐赠者向伦敦圣约瑟夫保健会提供200万澳元,以满足患者的紧急需求。 Anonymous donor gives St. Joseph's Health Care London $2 million for urgent patient needs.
一个匿名的当地捐助者向伦敦圣约瑟夫保健会捐赠200万美元,不附加任何条件,用于医院最优先的病人护理需要。 An anonymous local donor has given St. Joseph's Health Care London a $2 million donation with no conditions, to be used for the hospital's highest-priority patient care needs. 医院基金会主席Michelle Campbell(Michelle Campbell)将这项捐赠描述为「独特而慷慨的礼物」。 The donation, made just days before Christmas, was described as a "unique and generous gift" by Michelle Campbell, president of the hospital's foundation. 该捐助者希望保持匿名,表示希望对病人护理质量产生重大影响。 The donor, who wishes to remain anonymous, expressed a desire to significantly impact patient care quality.