YouTube测试一个“播放某样东西”按钮,根据用户的喜好随机选取视频。 YouTube tests a "Play Something" button that randomly picks videos based on user preferences.
YouTube正在测试Android应用程序上的“播放某样东西”按钮, YouTube is testing a "Play Something" button on its Android app, which randomly selects videos for users based on their preferences. 浮动按钮出现在底部导航栏上方,以YouTube Shorts播放器格式播放视频,旨在简化查看决策程序。 The floating button, appearing above the bottom navigation bar, launches videos in the YouTube Shorts player format, aiming to simplify the viewing decision process. 此功能类似于 Netflix 先前的“ 惊喜我” 按钮, 目前正在有限测试中 。 This feature is similar to Netflix's former "Surprise Me" button and is currently in limited testing.