西弗吉尼亚州警方搜寻Jackie Adkins 因枪击一名腿部受害者而被通缉 West Virginia police search for Jackie Adkins, wanted for shooting a victim in the leg.
西弗吉尼亚州警方正在寻找哈姆林42岁的Jackie Adkins, 与林肯县枪击事件有关的通缉犯。 West Virginia State Police are searching for 42-year-old Jackie Adkins of Hamlin, wanted in connection with a shooting incident in Lincoln County. 受害者腿部中弹,正在当地一家医院接受治疗。 The victim, who was shot in the leg, is receiving treatment at a local hospital. Adkins面临包括恶意伤害在内的指控,是持有火器的重罪犯,目前仍然在逃。 Adkins faces charges including malicious wounding and being a felon in possession of a firearm, and is currently at large.