阿联酋推出了一个数字工具,用以帮助全球减少航空排放,支持科索里亚航天中心。 The UAE launches a digital tool to aid global aviation emissions reduction, supporting CORSIA.
阿联酋启动了一个数字平台,以支持国际民航组织2016年通过的全球减少航空排放计划CORSIA。 The UAE has launched a digital platform to support CORSIA, a global aviation emissions reduction scheme adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organisation in 2016. 该平台由阿联酋民航总局开发,简化了国家航空公司的碳抵消计算,提高效率和减少误差。 This platform, developed by the UAE's General Civil Aviation Authority, simplifies carbon offset calculations for national airlines, enhancing efficiency and reducing errors. 它支持阿联酋致力于减少航空排放,与“迪拜航空燃料框架”倡议保持一致,该倡议的目标是到2030年将排放量减少5%。 It supports the UAE's commitment to reducing aviation emissions, aligning with the 'Dubai Framework for Aviation Fuel' initiative, which aims for a 5% emission reduction by 2030.