两人在Jefferson县的顶峰脊公寓遭到枪击;两人均处于稳定状态。 Two individuals were shot at Summit Ridge Apartments in Jefferson County; both are in stable condition.
两人,一名29岁的妇女和一名18岁的男子,在Jefferson县峰脊公寓遭到枪击。 Two individuals, a 29-year-old woman and an 18-year-old man, were shot in Jefferson County at Summit Ridge Apartments. 两人均被送往当地医院,伤势不至于危及生命。 Both were taken to local hospitals with non-life-threatening injuries. Jefferson县治安官办公室正在调查这一事件,并已呼吁公众在205-325-1450或205-254-7777时提供信息。 The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the incident and has appealed to the public for information at 205-325-1450 or Crime Stoppers at 205-254-7777.