PA的2024年焦点调查揭露了从虐待老人到与Trump暗杀未遂有关的安全漏洞等问题。 Spotlight PA's 2024 investigations unveiled issues from elder abuse to security flaws linked to the Trump assassination attempt.
2024年,PA焦点组织开展了调查,揭示了一些问题,如虐待老年人调查缓慢、宾州卫生部的移植方案麻烦重重以及导致特朗普暗杀未遂的安全弱点。 In 2024, Spotlight PA conducted investigations revealing issues such as slow elder abuse investigations, Penn State Health's troubled transplant programs, and security vulnerabilities that led to the Trump assassination attempt. 报告还涵盖了中心县农村地区的自来水公司疏忽、格雷格镇的贪污以及对阿片类药物结算支出的秘密审查。 Reports also covered water company neglect in rural Centre County, embezzlement in Gregg Township, and secret reviews of opioid settlement spending. 这些调查突显了新闻组织在促进透明度和问责制方面的作用。 These investigations highlight the news organization's role in fostering transparency and accountability.