6名前佛罗里达州球员 起诉教练伦纳德·汉密尔顿 因为250KNIL的承诺没有兑现 Six ex-Florida State players sue coach Leonard Hamilton over unfulfilled $250K NIL promises.
6名佛罗里达州前篮球运动员正在起诉他们的前教练伦纳德·汉密尔顿,罪名是没有履行承诺,每人以姓名、形象和相似性(NIL)赔偿25万美元。 Six former Florida State basketball players are suing their former coach, Leonard Hamilton, for not fulfilling promises of $250,000 each in name, image, and likeness (NIL) compensation. 向里昂县巡回法院提起的诉讼包括短信,指称尽管汉密尔顿作出了保证,但球员从未收到承诺的付款。 The lawsuit, filed in Leon County circuit court, includes text messages alleging that the players never received the promised payments despite Hamilton's assurances. 这一案件是越来越多的与NIL有关的大学体育运动法律争端的一部分。 This case is part of a growing number of NIL-related legal disputes in college sports.