一架为赛车改装的仿造型虎神号飞机成功完成了第一次飞行。 A replica Tiger Moth aircraft, adapted for racing, completed its first flight successfully.
经典飞虎号飞机的复制品,经改装后可进行赛车,成功地完成了第一次飞行。 A replica of the classic Tiger Moth aircraft, adapted for racing, successfully completed its first flight. 这架飞机以其在二战期间的作用闻名,在航空爱好者中很受欢迎,为了在空中竞赛中竞争而重新发明。 The aircraft, known for its role in World War II and popular among aviation enthusiasts, was recreated to compete in air races. 成功试飞标志着该项目的一个重要里程碑,展示了历史设计和现代赛车能力的混合。 The successful test flight marks a significant milestone for the project, showcasing a blend of historical design and modern racing capabilities.