尼泊尔领导人纪念Tamu Lhosar节, 庆祝Gurung社群新年。 Nepal's leaders marked the Tamu Lhosar festival, celebrating the New Year for the Gurung community.
尼泊尔总理和总统对古隆社区庆祝的Tamu Lhosar节表示了祝愿。 Nepal's Prime Minister and President have extended wishes for the Tamu Lhosar festival, celebrated by the Gurung community. 该节日标志着新年,以传统服装、表演和公共假日庆祝。 The festival marks the New Year and is observed with traditional attire, performances, and public holidays. 以尼泊尔各地文化活动为特色的庆祝活动持续一周。 Celebrations last a week, featuring cultural events across Nepal. 总统强调了该节在促进民族团结和庆祝文化遗产方面的作用。 The President highlighted the festival's role in fostering national unity and celebrating cultural heritage.