密歇根州天然气价格下降到每加仑3.03美元,与全国平均水平相一致。 Michigan gas prices drop to $3.03 per gallon, aligning with the national average.
密歇根州天然气价格在本周平均下跌7美分,达到每加仑3.03美元,与全国平均价格相当。 Michigan gas prices have fallen by 7 cents on average this week to $3.03 per gallon, matching the national average. 与上个月相比,物价下跌了8美分,但仍比2022年高11美分。 Compared to last month, prices are down 8 cents but remain 11 cents higher than in 2022. 如果需求减少和供应增加,价格可能继续下跌。 If demand decreases and supply increases, prices could continue to drop. 价格最高的是安阿伯、杰克逊和底特律地铁,最低的是特拉弗斯城、本顿港和马奎特。 The highest prices are in Ann Arbor, Jackson, and metro Detroit, while the lowest are in Traverse City, Benton Harbor, and Marquette.