Kailyn Lowry, 一个前“Teen Mom 2”明星, 七岁母亲, 接受乳房减肥手术。 Kailyn Lowry, a former "Teen Mom 2" star and mother of seven, undergoes breast reduction surgery.
Kailyn Lowry,32岁,前“Teen Mom 2”明星,7岁母亲,曾接受乳房减肥手术。 Kailyn Lowry, a 32-year-old former "Teen Mom 2" star and mother of seven, has undergone breast reduction surgery. 她在Instagram和播客上分享了她的康复情况,此前曾考虑过乳房增肥,但被劝先减肥。 She shared her recovery on Instagram and podcasts, having previously considered a breast augmentation but was advised to lose weight first. Lowry对整容手术史持开放态度, 包括2016年巴西的屁股起重机, 她宣布手术于本周早些时候进行。 Lowry, who has been open about her plastic surgery history, including a Brazilian Butt Lift in 2016, announced the surgery took place earlier this week.