Jharkhand政府帮助47名受困工人中的11名从喀麦隆返回, Jharkhand government helps 11 of 47 stranded workers return from Cameroon, wage disputes ongoing.
来自印度Jharkhand的47名工人中有11名因工资纠纷而滞留在喀麦隆,在Jharkhand州政府的帮助下返回家园。 11 out of 47 workers from Jharkhand, India, stranded in Cameroon due to wage disputes, have returned home with the help of the Jharkhand state government. 政府提出投诉,并与外交部合作,确保他们返回,并确保支付未付的工资。 The government filed complaints and worked with the Ministry of External Affairs to secure their return and ensure outstanding wages were paid. 目前正在努力把其余36名工人带回来。 Efforts are ongoing to bring back the remaining 36 workers.