加纳机场当局因三百万美元的债务纠纷 关闭了麦克丹航空的航站楼 Ghana's airport authority closes McDan Aviation's terminal over a $3 million debt dispute.
加纳机场有限公司关闭了麦克丹航空公司在科托卡国际机场的私人喷气式终端,因为未偿还债务超过300万美元,包括土地租赁、租金和终端费。 The Ghana Airports Company Ltd has closed McDan Aviation's private jet terminal at Kotoka International Airport due to an unpaid debt of over $3 million, including land leases, rentals, and terminal charges. 这是McDan第二次面临这样的结束,上一次是在2022年2月就业务问题结束的。 This is the second time McDan has faced such a closure, with the previous one in February 2022 over operational issues. McDan对债务数额提出异议,辩称其中一部分与正在诉讼的土地纠纷有关。 McDan disputes the debt amount, arguing that part of it is tied to a land dispute under litigation. 机场联盟支持GACL的行动,并警告其他负债伙伴类似的后果。 The airport union supports GACL's action and warns other indebted partners of similar consequences.