迪拜的阿拉伯马种马拍卖场总销售额为550万阿迪恩,其中一匹马拿100万阿迪恩。 Dubai's Arabian Horse Stud Auction saw total sales of AED 5.5 million, with one horse fetching AED 1 million.
迪拜阿拉伯马种马拍卖最后总销售额为550万阿塞拜疆第纳尔,单匹马的最高价格达到100万阿塞拜疆第纳尔。 The Dubai Arabian Horse Stud Auction concluded with total sales of AED 5.5 million, with the highest price for a single horse reaching AED 1 million. 拍卖的特色是35匹纯种马,吸引了阿联酋和国际上的所有者和育种者。 The auction featured 35 purebred horses and attracted owners and breeders from the UAE and internationally. 该活动在迪拜总部亲自举行,并通过远程视频会议举行。 The event was held both in-person at the Dubai headquarters and through remote video conferencing.