大日和港的文化限制被取消,但在发现一具失踪男子的尸体后,另一个团体延长了这一限制。 A cultural restriction at Ōhiwa Harbour was lifted but extended by another group following the discovery of a missing man's body.
男性尸体被发现后, 于周一早上七点在新西兰的Záhiwa港解除了临时文化限制, A temporary cultural restriction, or rāhui, was lifted at Ōhiwa Harbour in New Zealand on Monday at 7 am following the discovery of a man's body. 然而,另一个部落群体在1月12日之前强行延长了Rāhui,禁止捕鱼和其他活动,以尊重死者。 However, another tribal group imposed an extended rāhui until January 12, prohibiting fishing and other activities to respect the deceased. 最初的Rāhui是在一名据说逃避逮捕的人失踪后被安放的,后来被发现死在Zhope海滩上。 The initial rāhui was placed after a man reportedly evading arrest went missing and was later found dead on Ōhope beach.